Terrae Terrae

Balearic Islands


Maria Solivellas

Chef at Ca Na Toneta (Caimari, Mallorca, Spain)

Maria Solivellas

From a corner on the island of Mallorca, Maria Solivellas brings her profession and traditions alive via her dishes. A commitment to rediscovering recipes, farmers and producers.

Before devoting herself to cooking, Solivellas worked for years producing shows, travelling the world with performers such as Chavela Vargas and Raimundo Amador. Placing herself at the helm of Ca na Toneta – the family restaurant – on her return, she started cooking food that was intimately linked to her land. Solivellas studies her surroundings and conveys it to her dishes in a way that is refined and directly related to the terrain and its farmers and producers.

Ca Na Toneta has been awarded a Green Star by the Michelin guide.

Maria Solivellas



Vocento Gastronomía Cabildo de Gran Canaria


Reale Fundation Cervezas Victoria Fagor Le Noveau Chef EH Ayuntamiento de Gáldar Ayuntamiento de Guía Ayuntamiento de Agaete

Official hotel

Occidental Roca Negra

Official supplier
