Terrae Terrae



Ricardo González Sotres

Chef at El Retiro* (Pancar, Llanes, Asturias)

Ricardo González Sotres

A representative of the new generation of Asturian chefs, Ricardo's work is a tribute to his land.

He cooks the way he "wants to eat". He is a chef by vocation. And by genetics. First his grandparents and then his parents owned El Retiro, an old "chigre" that has evolved into the gastronomic restaurant it is today. 

After studying at the Llanes Catering School, he perfected his technique with Raúl Alexandre, Manolo de la Osa and Nacho Manzano, from whom he learned that, in the end, "the most important thing is to eat well". This is what he puts into practice at El Retiro, where he prepares modern Asturian cuisine that is full of technique and creativity, respectful of the raw materials of the environment and extremely balanced.

Sotres is also in charge of Julia, the restaurant at the Hotel Balcón de la Cuesta (Andrín, Llanes), where he serves traditional cuisine.

Ricardo González Sotres



Vocento Gastronomía Cabildo de Gran Canaria


Reale Fundation Cervezas Victoria Fagor Le Noveau Chef EH Ayuntamiento de Gáldar Ayuntamiento de Guía Ayuntamiento de Agaete

Official hotel

Occidental Roca Negra

Official supplier
