Terrae Terrae



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25 mins


Borja Marrero

Borja Marrero

Cooking the nuance

25 mins


Carlos Teixeira

Carlos Teixeira

Committed cuisine

40 mins


Rodrigo Castelo

Rodrigo Castelo

The Ribatejo ambassador


Francis Paniego

Francis Paniego

La Rioja tradition


Juan Ocaña

Juan Ocaña

Lord of the goats


Isidoro Jiménez

Isidoro Jiménez

A passion for cheese

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Maria Solivellas

Maria Solivellas

A self-defining cuisine, faithful to the land


Luis Alberto Lera

Luis Alberto Lera

The wild chef


Nandu Jubany

Nandu Jubany

The enterprising chef


Víctor Lugo

Víctor Lugo

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Gastón Acurio

Gastón Acurio

The essence of Peru

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Eneko Axpe

Eneko Axpe

The food of the future




Vocento Gastronomía Cabildo de Gran Canaria


Reale Fundation Cervezas Victoria Fagor Le Noveau Chef EH Ayuntamiento de Gáldar Ayuntamiento de Guía Ayuntamiento de Agaete

Official hotel

Occidental Roca Negra

Official supplier
